Jul 26Liked by sympathetic opposition

I hope this is just part 1. I’m gripped.

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omg too kind

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Jul 27Liked by sympathetic opposition

Fr it feels like it ended on a cliffhanger

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Jul 26Liked by sympathetic opposition


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Jul 26Liked by sympathetic opposition

thirded, i was reading this and was like wait, where is the rest? is there more?? i hope there will be more!!!

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Jul 27Liked by sympathetic opposition

me too! I'd love to learn more.

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Jul 27Liked by sympathetic opposition


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omg i know yall are being nice & encouraging but im getting performance anxiety now...will you people ever be satisfied...

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Jul 29Liked by sympathetic opposition

I familiar with a coping strategy for this problem which is, if nothing else, entertaining to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86x-u-tz0MA

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can you read my substack, i think you may find it interesting based on this post...

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Jul 26Liked by sympathetic opposition

the invisible labor / gender abolition piece is really interesting to me - the project of getting men to find a way to contribute to domestic/relationship labor does seem like it could benefit from engaging with how men see themselves, rather than trying to get them to identify as men less.

"show that youre a business-savy sigma male by negotiating a mutually agreeable chore responsibility matrix with your partner"

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i started feeling like cooking was genuinely reaching "shared task" status when i started hearing stereotypes about how men cook

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Jul 27Liked by sympathetic opposition

i can say def in my case (as a man) that i avoided cleaning up partially because the ambiguous situation about who is in charge of the house was too much for my male brain to comprehend. i like clean lines of responsibility. me being told that i was supposed to take initiative to clean was very confusing. to me it was an obvious game being played by my wife who wanted me to clean and be in charge but who didn't want to give up the authority to hold her standards above mine. i felt like it was a trick. it took me a long time to figure out how to be better at cleaning up without triggering this. the trick of "do it like i am single" is a good way around all this mess i think.

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Jul 28Liked by sympathetic opposition

im right there w u about wanting clear lines of responsibility! gender isnt really up to the task of providing that when the roles arent really strict. like if cleaning isnt 100% on women, then who does the cleaning is downstream of lots of other labor that needs to be assigned - like who notices when cleaning needs to happen, who decides the standard of cleanliness, who gets to approve or object to the results.

maybe what straight women want is for men be able to do some collaborative project management - or to act like a subordinate whose boss is too busy to communicate project specs but still has the final say on whether it's good enough.

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"Collaborative project management" sounds closest, I think.

A spouse who's subordinate is okay. I expect most women married to men would settle for that. Especially if they're happy in the subordinate role and cheerfully accept a long list of honey-dos, and especially if they can take some initiative and don't require micromanagement.

But it's much better to have a spouse who actually sees themselves as responsible for Project: Household, who notices what needs to be done and does it, who participates in setting the standards for cleanliness rather than passive-aggressively neglecting chores they've decided don't matter.

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>to me it was an obvious game being played by my wife who wanted me to clean and be in charge but who didn't want to give up the authority to hold her standards above mine.

i feel like this is the crux of the issue

what was the actual difference in the standards just out of curiosity

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Jul 28Liked by sympathetic opposition

actual difference in standards is very typical - that i am untidy (adhd style man) and do not see it, and she wants it cleaner.

when i started working toward what she wanted i found a lot of contradictions (what she said she wanted and what she actually wanted) which i interpreted as she actually just wants her own territory and control. which is fine and makes more sense to my brain. i want that too, i get it, we live in an apartment with a kid and there's not enough space so there is conflict.

i think trying to superimpose "fairness" over this issue didn't help me at all. she went into fairness mode, which means that resentment over it became a kind of fungible currency. i really disliked that.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Liked by sympathetic opposition

Everything in life is about taking ownership, except taking ownership. Taking ownership is about sex.

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Jul 27Liked by sympathetic opposition

I poked around on the site a bit - illuminating. One commenter claimed that there had been a shift ~5 years ago away from reinvigorating stale marriages towards what you call "saving the man, not the marriage". Were you witness to such a change? Interested in other cultural shifts you might have observed over time

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goodness to me it feels like that's been the vibe forever!

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Sep 5Liked by sympathetic opposition

This is interesting, but I wonder what you feel when you read these stories?

As a man, formerly religious, fairly tight morals, reading these accounts fills me with disdain for these women. A common thread in marriedredpill discourse is that the women starts to withdraw emotionally and intimally in the relationship for no fucking reason, or starts partying and fucking around, the man puts a fuckton of effort in to analyse the problem and fix it, and sometimes he fixes it and all is well, just the man has gotten a bit more mysigonistic, sometimes they divorce, the man has to pay alimony and child support, and is still happier without the frigid bitch. Bitches and Whores.

I get quite riled up just thinking about it, my common thought pattern was always: Like attracts like, those who use the redpill tend to be high in dark triad, so they tend to attract other women with high sociosexuality and high dark triad. But if your hypthesis is true, that married red pill is normal people, with normal women, droven to these insights out of necessity, then that paints a very dire picture for the qualities of the modern woman. Nothing but trash.

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these men don't think of their wives that way. i mean some of these women do suck, but many of the men come to the conclusion that their wives withdrew due to a failure on their own (ie the husband's) part, and in these cases i don't tend to see the women being described as partying a lit, just as being shrewish. the husbands tend to frame it as a failure of leadership, i'm sure their wives would frame it as a failure of emotional labor, to me whichever way of thinking about it allows for an actual change to happen is the right way to think about it

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Sep 5Liked by sympathetic opposition


I was never on the sub before, your post made me go there. This was the first post I read. The wife goes to hell, for all that I am concerned.

(I am aware of the religious irony of condemning others as a former Christian)

It made me think deeper, about the men and women in my friend circle, and I know way more female cheaters than male cheaters. I know way more women pulling off that bullshit of withdrawing in their relationship to search a new guy because they don't have the balls to end it. Most of the evil people and sociopaths I know are women.

I am dimly aware that there should not really be a huge sex difference here, at least the science usually ascribes the classical evil traits (Dark Triad/Tetrad, crime rates and such) more to men than to women, but something is really strange here.

Might be that my social radar is just not honed enough yet to detect malice in women fast enough, might be that I am better at discerning and filtering evil in men than in women, might however also be that women have just fallen further than men nowadays, brainwashed by toxic culture due to their naturally higher affinity for culture and fitting in.

//try to not take this personally, you seem perfectly nice to me, I actually wondered why the women I know irl are so much worse than the ones I encounter online, perhaps online I am better at selecting for similarish values.

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well the men i know are worse than the women i know, prolly for the same reason that the women you know are worse than the men you know. i am around women solely based on whether i like & trust them, but a lot of the men i'm around, i'm around bc a woman i know is infatuated w them, & love makes you dumb

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Sep 5Liked by sympathetic opposition

Haha I suppose that is the simplest explanation. I have been there myself, have had huge crushes on plain evil women, despite my gut telling me they are evil. You just have a lot less control over the opposite sex influence in your social circle, especially since there seems to be a thing where low agency people draw high agency people, and high agency has way more severe consequences if evil.

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Aug 9Liked by sympathetic opposition

I came to a similar conclusion, writing about incel/ladder theory/friend zone stuff, that systematized misogyny seems to be a basic failure of modeling (charitably, else clearly a more severe/sinister failure of theory of mind). Definitely an interesting contrast that here, as you say, the model seems to have been just right enough (or has only been corrupted later) to get them that first partner. You're definitely getting to see the trainwreck happen closer to real-time like this.

I wonder what the inverse looks like, is there a married femcel subreddit or would women conspiring to get a side piece be too severe of a social defection to doable in public?

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Jul 28Liked by sympathetic opposition

I think the most discombobulating thing about this is reading the posts in the weekly thread where people invariably post their lifts (i.e., how much they can bench/deadlift/squat) in an overall context of trying to improve their lives. Which is crazy by itself, that anyone would imagine these specific numbers to be any more relevant to their overall life than the level of their world of warcraft character.

But what makes it especially crazy is that they don't put down their income. Now if I were giving someone life advice my advice might change dramatically depending on their income. It wouldn't change at all based on how much they can lift.

I can imagine many possible explanations, few of them charitable.

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Jul 28Liked by sympathetic opposition

"but a given individual’s desire to embody a specific gender role is inflexible and unlikely to change. Responding to the changing economic and social environment with new gender roles and stereotypes that are both genuinely fair and still feel gendered, is probably always going to work better than gender abolition."

Does anyone here have advice for someone who has no wish to embody a specific gender role?

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honestly this is probably not great advice but ive found that all else being equal when you're fairly neutral about a gender loaded choice, people will like if better if you do the high status thing for your gender

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Aug 2Liked by sympathetic opposition

It makes sense that people would like that better (maybe this is related to conforming to expectations -> being easier to predict -> being easier to interact with?)

thanks for pointing that out, and for pointing out the status thing. I'm not super good at reading status, and I have a bit of an impression that for women the feminine choice isn't always the high status choice but I'm not well calibrated about that.

Thanks for getting me to think about that.

Part of my problem is probably that I'm actively averse to some feminine stuff, and I'm not sure if I want to do what would be required to dissolve the adversity.

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Jul 28Liked by sympathetic opposition

"also it’s just inherently weird and difficult to ask someone to be responsible for soething you’re responsible for."

Who is the "someone" here and who is the "you"

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Jul 27Liked by sympathetic opposition

I’ve definitely noticed that the red pill perspective on women doesn’t apply as universally as it seems at first. It helped me get a woman in the first place but the first most obvious falsehood is the red pill claim that women can’t really love men. That became obvious with my first girlfriend.

What’s true is that narcissistic women can’t love men. And the sort of man you become when you optimize for getting laid cause you to mostly get romantically involved with those sorts of women.

There are lots of smaller ways the red pill falls short but feminist advice is usually precisely the worst advice and the general culture is roughly useless, so the red pill is where to start.

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>the first most obvious falsehood is the red pill claim that women can’t really love men

whitepill 🥺

>What’s true is that narcissistic women can’t love men. And the sort of man you become when you optimize for getting laid cause you to mostly get romantically involved with those sorts of women.

im curious about exactly why this happens

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Aug 31Liked by sympathetic opposition

Why the optimization you mean?

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Jul 27Liked by sympathetic opposition

Interesting outsider perspective.

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does that mean you're an insider? 👀 what am i missing would you say

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Liked by sympathetic opposition

Nah. Just had a problem once, searched, ended up there, solved it, moved on with my life.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

healthy approach tbh. get in get the goods get out, like a bank heist. dont build your identity around it etc etc

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