a man is lying cautiously in the bed of a woman he doesn’t know very well, but for whom he has high hopes. like many men with high hopes, he is showing her a video. while they watch a notification pops up. a tinder match. a girl he swiped on weeks ago. if he had even thought of the app in weeks he would have deleted it.
for a second the pair of them are frozen. then he chuckles awkwardly & sweeps the notification aside. he thinks there’s a chance that she did not see it. she saw it.
that phenomenon kicks in where people seen in passing seem much hotter than they would if you got a good look at them. she’s left with the flash of blond hair, the curve of a cheek; she fills in the rest.
he wonders if the notification totally ruined his chances. she wonders if the notification totally ruined her chances. the underrated youtube sketch comedy video plays on.